Professional Tuition and Fees

Fall 2021 Semester & Spring 2022 Semester

To determine tuition and fees per semester

  1. Add tuition
  2. Add applicable fees
  3. Add applicable assessment

Tuition Tables

Range I (12 Hours or More)
Range II (6 to 11 hours)
Range III (1 to 5 hours)
Range IV (0 hrs)
Yes No

The amounts in all the following tables are per semester.

Print friendly PDF available.

1. Professional Tuition Per Semester
  Range I Range II Range III Range IV
In state Out of state In state Out of state In state Out of state In/Out of state
Doctor in Clinical Exercise Physiology (DCEP)$8,000$12,500$5,333$8,333$2,667$4,167$1,333
DENTISTRY (DMD)*$17,818$32,063$11,879$21,375$5,939$10,688$2,970
DENTISTRY (Advanced Certificate Programs)as set out belowas set out belowas set out belowas set out belowas set out belowas set out belowas set out below
Adv Cert in Endodontic and Pediatric Dentistry$10,688$10,688$7,125$7,125$3,563$3,563$1,781
Adv Cert in Orthodontic and Periodontic Dentistry$11,453$11,453$7,635$7,635$3,818$3,818$1,909
Adv Cert in Prosthodontic Dentistry$12,285$12,285$8,190$8,190$4,095$4,095$2,048
DMD Advanced Standing*$37,043$37,043$24,695$24,695$12,348$12,348$6,174
DMD Advanced Standing* entering Fall 2019 and later$37,043$42,289$24,695$28,193$12,348$14,096$6,174
MEDICINE (MD) entered prior to Fall 2017, 10 term enrollment$18,455$36,955$12,303$24,637$6,152$12,318$3,076
MEDICINE (MD) entered Fall 2017 and after, assessed over 11 terms$15,120$26,179$10,080$17,453$5,040$8,726$2,520
MEDICINE (MD) International Tuition per semester assessed over 11 terms$31,179$31,179$20,786$20,786$10,393$10,393$5,197
PHARMACY (PharmD) entered prior to Fall 2020$12,522$20,281$8,348$13,521$4,174$6,760$2,087
PHARMACY (PharmD) entered Fall 2020 and after$12,522$12,522$8,348$8,348$4,174$4,174$2,087
DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY (DPT)$9,071$15,680$6,047$10,453$3,024$5,227$1,512
DOCTOR OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY$8,542$15,239$5,695$10,159$2,847$5,080$1,424
(Range I-IV rates do not apply)
DOCTOR OF NURSING PRACTICE $975 per credit hour in state tuition; $1,440 per credit hour out of state tuition
UIC Law School JD $1200 in state per credit hour; $1500 out of state per credit hour

2. Professional Fees Per Semester
(explanation of terms)
  Range I Range II Range III Range IV
General Fee$481$481$481$481
Service Fee$357$357$238$238
Student to Student Fee$3$3$3$3
Sustainability Fee$6$6$6$6
Health Service Fee$104$104$104$104
Health Insurance Fee (estimated). With proof of insurance, this fee can be waived.$697$697$697$697
CTA U Pass Fee (estimated). Assessed at 6 hours or more.$163$163No UPass for 5 hours or lessNo UPass for 5 hours or less
Subtotal fees$1,811$1,811$1,529$1,529
CTA U Pass (Chicago-Medicine extended use fee $12). Assessed at 6 hours or more.$12$12No UPass for 5 hours or lessNo UPass for 5 hours or less
College of Medicine Disability Insurance Fee (assessed once a year in fall)$41.67$41.67$41.67$41.67
College of Medicine (Chicago) Subtotal fees$1,864.67$1,852.67$1,529.67$1,529.67

3. Assessment Per Semester
(explanation of terms)
  Range I Range II Range III Range IV
Academic Facilities Maintenance Fund Assessment$344$229$115$57
Library and Information Technology Assessment$226$151$75$38
Subtotal Assessments$570$380$190$94

4. The Dentistry Clinical Infrastructure Assessment applicable to Dentistry (DMD) and DMD Advanced Standing per semester
  Range I Range II Range III Range IV
DENTISTRY (DMD)$4,117$2,745$1,372$686
DMD Advanced Standing$4,117$2,745$1,372$686
Post Graduate Prosthodontic Specialty Program (assessed to students admitted Fall 2021, Spring 2020, or Summer 2021)$500$333$167$83


  1. Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice any time prior to the first day of instruction
  2. See the Registrar web site for online tuition rate information. Go to and select Financial Matters.
  3. In fall and spring, the Student-To-Student Assistance Program Fee and the Sustainability Fee are assessed. Neither are assessed in summer.
  4. The CTA U Pass is assessed for students registered for 12 or more hours.
  5. The transportation fee will be assessed to degree and non-degree students in the categories listed in note 4 above.
  6. Undergraduate degree seeking students entering the University in Summer 2004 or after are provided a four year tuition guarantee. The purpose of the undergraduate guaranteed tuition plan is to provide a high degree of certainty about tuition costs for students and families. The plan applies to all undergraduate students enrolled in a baccalaureate degree program on one of the three campuses of the University of Illinois. The plan treats every student as part of a cohort defined by the date of entry to the University. Each cohort is guaranteed an unchanged tuition schedule for four years. Please note that fees are subject to change annually. For details on guaranteed undergraduate tuition see Senate Bill 3222 allows students whose 4 years have expired to remain in the next most recently admitted cohort for 2 years. After the four year guarantee, students move to the next most favorable cohort rate in year 5, stay there for year 6. See and search for SB 3222.
  7. The Academic Facilities Maintenance Fund Assessment (AFMFA) is assessed to all students. For less than 12 hour full-time enrollment, the AFMFA will be based on enrolled credit hours pro-rated according to range calculations.
  8. In order to generate resources to improve the learning environment, a Library and Information Technology Assessment is assessed to all students. For students at less than full-time enrollment the assessment is pro-rated according to tuition range calculations.
  9. Tuition differentials are applied to non-degree students in major specific non-degree program codes.
  10. CLINIC INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT. In order to generate resources to improve the learning environment, ensure the availability of contemporary technology, and support clinical patient care learning experiences, the Clinic Education Fee has been replaced with a Clinic Infrastructure Assessment (CIA). The CIA is assessed to students in the DMD and DMD Advanced Standing programs each semester.
  11. College of Medicine Disability Insurance Fee is assessed once a year in fall and covers the cost of disability insurance which ensures a student has a source of income should they become disabled during medical school. In the event a medicine student loses their ability to practice medicine in the future, this insurance also provides income to offset the financial loss.
  12. International Student Fee. $130 in fall and spring; $65 summer. The University has approved an international student fee for all international students attending UIC. The fee will allow the Office of International Services to continue to provide essential services, upgrade technologies used for student advising, increase programming options, and host cultural events to increase and expand upon the “UIC Experience.” All incoming international students are charged an Orientation/Arrival Fee to cover the costs of initial arrival services and programs.
  13. Non-resident undergraduate non-degree and degree seeking international students entering Fall 2020 and later are assessed a $818 increased tuition per semester prorated according to tuition ranges in fall/spring (summer $73 per credit hour). Non-resident undergraduate non-degree and degree seeking international students entering Fall 2019 and later are assessed a $791 increased tuition per semester prorated according to tuition ranges in fall/spring (summer $66 per credit hour). Non-resident undergraduate non-degree and degree seeking international students entering Fall 2018 and later are assessed a $775 increased tuition per semester prorated according to tuition ranges in fall/spring (summer $65 per credit hour). Non-resident degree seeking undergraduate international students entering Fall 2017 and later are assessed a $750 increased tuition per semester prorated according to tuition ranges in fall/spring (summer $63 per credit hour). Non-resident degree seeking undergraduate international students prior to Fall 2017 are assessed a $500 increased tuition per semester prorated according to tuition ranges in fall/spring (summer $42 per credit hour).
  14. Non-resident domestic undergraduate students can qualify for the UIC Merit Tuition Rate. The Office of Admissions determines those who qualify for the UIC Merit Tuition Rate. Students entering Fall 2017 and prior for full time enrollment are assessed $7,938; Fall 2018/Spring 2019 cohort are assessed $8,050; Fall 2019/Spring 2020 cohort are assessed $8,211; the Fall 2020/Spring 2021 cohort are assessed $8,359; and the Fall 2021/Spring 2022 cohort are assessed $8,359.
  15. A New Student Fee is assessed of $225 for new freshman and $150 for new transfers. This fee supports the Office of New Student and Family Programs in provision of transitional programs including new student orientation, welcome activities, and other services. Please consult the Office of New Student and Family Programs for details on additional fees beyond the basic fee than may be assessed for additional family members at orientation, and no show fees.
  16. International students in the College of Medicine will pay $5,000 tuition surcharge per semester above the non-resident rate.
  17. Tuition and Fee information related to UIC Regional sites. UIC offers various programs at regional sites in Illinois including Urbana, Quad Cities, Springfield, Rockford, and Peoria. Due to proximity, certain fees are not assessed at regional sites or fees are assessed through a sister campus. In addition, there are certain exceptions to assessment of non-resident tuition. This footnote seeks to set out regional site tuition and fee nuances. Nursing students at Urbana are assessed UIC tuition, UIC differentials, and UIC assessments, with Urbana campus fees. Nursing students at Springfield are assessed UIC tuition, UIC differentials, with Springfield campus fees and assessments. At Quad Cities, the UIC Health Service Fee and CTA U Pass is not assessed, and graduate level nursing at Quad Cities does not assess non-resident tuition. Rockford and Peoria do not assess the CTA U Pass. Pharmacy students at Rockford are not assessed non-resident tuition. The Doctor of Nursing Practice does not asses non-resident tuition at any of the regional sites.


  1. Students who officially withdraw from the University by the second Friday of classes (first Friday for an 8 week class) will receive a full refund of tuition and fees. After the online drop and add period, students who officially withdraw from the University (by dropping all classes) may receive a pro-rata refund based upon the official date of withdrawal.

    Assessed tuition, the service, and general fees are refunded on a pro-rata basis less $50 in a Campus Care Student Health Insurance Withdrawal Fee.
  2. The Health Service and Health Insurance Fees are nonrefundable after the second Friday of fall and spring, first Friday of Parts of Term A and B.
  3. Pro-rata refund schedule: See Office of the Registrar web page..