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Class Scheduling Procedures

Class Scheduling Process Summary

The Office of Classroom Scheduling (OCS) coordinates class scheduling with departments three times per year — Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. The process is dynamic, and when necessary, changes are made to the class schedule through the tenth day of the semester. For planning, however, the process is organized into a series of "pre-proofs", or tentative class schedules. The first pre-proof is generated by OCS based on department course offerings the previous year (i.e., pre-proof 1 for Spring 2010 was the final course schedule from Spring 2009, including cancelled sections). The departments and OCS go through three rounds of pre-proofs for each semester, and the approximate delivery dates are summarized in the following table:

Item OCS posts pre-proof online (OCS will provide exact dates to departments) Departments must submit class scheduling forms to OCS
(OCS will provide exact dates to departments)
Pre-proof 1 – Fall December  January 
Pre-proof 1 – Summer November  December 
Pre-proof 1 – Spring August  September 
Pre-proof 2 The Monday after the 1st pre-proof deadline Provided by OCS
Pre-proof 3 The Monday after the 2nd pre-proof deadline For all additional changes, departments submit the form Class Scheduling Changes

Please note: All forms and class scheduling communication must be emailed using We no longer accept emails to individual mailboxes or hardcopies of pre-proofs.

Changes Which Require a Form

You must complete the appropriate form and submit it to if you:

Are changing the maximum enrollment capacity for cross-listed courses.

Pre-proof 1

OCS sends an e-mail to the departments notifying them when pre-proof documents have been posted to

Departments must:

Departments must continue to make changes in Banner after the first pre-proof deadline

Pre-proof 2

After the deadline for the 2nd pre-proof, departments may only make the following changes in Banner: notes, instructors, and approval codes.

Pre-proof 3

On the Monday after the 2nd pre-proof deadline, the 3rd pre-proof will be posted online.

The 3rd Pre-proof will reflect all changes made by departments and OCS. During this 3rd pre-proof period, departments may only make the following changes in Banner: notes, instructors, and approval codes. If departments need to make additional changes, they must submit the form 'Class Scheduling Changes' (xls) to

The OCS will process changes in the order they are received, and will notify departments when requests have been completed.

Please note, due to the high volume of requests, we ask departments to submit class scheduling changes in a timely fashion. Any modifications submitted after 5pm on the Wednesday prior to registration may not be processed in time for registration. Furthermore, to help ensure a smooth registration, it is advised that departments add approval codes when requesting enrollment capacity changes or class cancellations.

Once student registration begins, Departments must continue to email using the form 'Class Scheduling Changes' (xls) for any additional schedule modifications.

Class Scheduling Policies

Review of and permission for exceptions to the procedures outlined above and the policies detailed below must be submitted to the college dean with a written pedagogical rationale for the request. Deans will approve the exceptions and forward them to OCS. Exceptions should rarely be granted, given the importance of maintaining consistent and fair practices that benefit students.

Note: No food or drink will be allowed in any classroom. Please plan accordingly.

Change requests

Department-Designated Classrooms

Classroom Capacity and Scheduling Restrictions

Scheduling during the semester of midterm exams, other exams, and quizzes

  1. Scheduling of midterm exams, other exams, and quizzes is at the discretion of the Instructor and should occur during the regularly scheduled class meeting times for courses taught on campus, synchronously online, or asynchronously online with specified meeting times.
  2. Asynchronous online sections which do not have specified meeting times are assumed to be completely asynchronous and Instructors should not schedule meeting times that require student participation for exams, quizzes, review sessions, etc.
  3. In certain cases, combined section exams are scheduled in the evening, outside of standard class meeting times. Every effort should be made to avoid conflicts with other combined section exams via coordination among departments offering such exams.
  4. When there is a conflict between an evening combined section exam and a regularly scheduled class, the regularly scheduled class will take precedence, and the Instructor offering the combined section exam should accommodate the student(s) with the demonstrated conflict.